Friday, May 18, 2018

Holding Steady

No change from yesterday.  Same exact diet.  Perhaps the phase of the moon contributes somehow.  lol

I am unconcerned.  Got a bunch of caulk and paint done last night and basically concluded the handyman phase of Grad Prep.  I've got a social thing tonight with some old work buddies, and I'm going to try to do a Tools and Materials roundup BEFORE I go out.  I know I wont want to after I get back.

Mia is on the road headed this way from Montgomery AL and should be here late tonight.  16 hours on the road according to Gmaps.  Still though...I'd much rather have her wake up here tomorrow and get to spend some time with her.

With a little luck, and an uninterrupted hour, I should be able to get the gym back into shape either tonight or tomorrow.  I'd REALLY like to resume my normal routines on Monday.

My plan is to repeat the last full week I completed, so that will mean a step down in weight all the way around and then work back up to where I was.  It's only a week's work, but I think it will pay dividends.  Basically I'll be doing work set with my last warm up weights, so it should all be smooth and solid.

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