Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Aaaaand We're Back

Six weeks off by my calculations (+/-)

I kept really busy these last few weeks with graduation and switching jobs.  All of my routines got smashed of course, and I had a child return home who dumped her life in my gym so that didnt help.

I earmarked this week for getting back in the saddle and got slightly derailed with a 4 hours of sleep episode on Sunday night.  I'm not saying it was easy to get up today either, but my wife was starting to ask if I was ok ("you look tired") so exercise is the Rx.

I did a set of 20 squats and my standard 2.5 mile walk this morning, with another 1.5 abridged lunchtime walk.  I'll round that out with an evening walk if I can will myself to do it later on.  It'll be WAY too hot out at 5 or 6pm.

Tomorrow I'll do complexes instead of squats and I'll alternate thusly for the rest of the summer just to keep the focus on metabolic and conditioning training.

I've been keeping diet relatively sharp, but not weighing in.  I'm still on the same belt hole I was on before, but I'm starting to notice some extra flab.  I'm probably around 250 again, not that I was really firmly down at 245 before anyway.

I am back on my standard high protein ~2500 calorie plan and am really having to force feed to get that much food down.  I'll weigh in starting on Monday and give myself this week to stabilize a bit before I get the bad news.  lol.

Basically it's eggs and chicken with spinach for breakfast, shake and bar for morning snack, chicken and veggies for lunch, yogurt w/ protein powder for afternoon snack, and a standard family dinner but what I'd call a pre-adolescent child's portion.

As always...the big challenge is alcohol.  My wife finally got her promotion officially and we pretty much blew the lid off for a solid week.  4th of July is this Wednesday, so that wont help either.

I'm not on a time table, and I think I'm about to turn a corner with regards to the level of intensity I can bring to all of this.  So much else about my life is pointed in the right direction now, that I think I can really focus on leveling up on this.

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